Wednesday 10 December 2008

Knitting Needles Everywhere!

I'm not feeling very festive (for various reasons), but I am really happy with my Christmas present from my Mum - my new needle holder! I absolutely fell in love with it when I spotted it on EBay. I would really like to find out ore about Robinoid (which is the brand on the front). I am gutted that the price information on the back is torn so I can't work out the date of it, some exciting knitting research for the future I think!

Oh yeah the best bit/big problem is that it came with 250+ pairs of needles! Mostly pretty small sizes all still in their original packaging, (in fact my poor boyfriend described our house as looking like a 'crack den' as the floor was littered with needles for couple of days while I was sorting through the sizes).

To dispose of this mass of needles I have:
  • Filled out my own needle collection (at least 2 pairs of each size)
  • Given some to the 3 other knitters in my office
  • Stored some in the office (for knitting emergencies)
  • Put some aside to give to my Mum
  • Put some aside to give to my Boyfriends Mum
  • Given some to one of the researchers at work
  • Taken out all the Bakelite needles to offer to the Knitting and Crochet Guild Collection

And I still have loads in my drawer at work! Is anyone interested? I think they range from 2mm-about 3 3/4mm and one Tunisian crochet hook (5.5mm).

Just let me know (I fear they are no longer welcome in my flat.......)

P.S I did have a lovely photograph of my needleholder in all its glory (i.e full of my stuff) but my camera lead has gone walkabout so I guess that will just have to wait for another day. Sorry)

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